Results Filtering

Faceted search

After the query has been entered and the results obtained, the system performs an analysis and based on the data found, determines active groups of filters (facets) in which a few most frequent values in the results are presented. The selection of one of them allows to narrow the search result for the documents which contain a given value. The results obtained in this way are re-analysed and a new set of facets is presented, which contains a smaller number of documents. Continuing such narrowing of results in order to reach the searched document is called faceted search.

Groups of filters are available on the left of the list of searched documents. For mobile users, groups of filters are hidden. In order to uncover them, select ‘Filter’ under the first document. In each group of filters, up to 5 most frequent values are presented by default. In order to gain access to the subsequent ones, select ‘Show more…’. The number next to the value shows the number of documents which contain this value.

Selected filters are additionally presented above the results panel, which facilitates faster information on filters currently in use and allows to easily remove filters applied – individually (click the icon on the right of the filter) or in groups (click the icon on the right side of the panel).

Filter pinning

This is a very useful operation when the user is interested e.g. in only a specific kind of collections, a selected localisation of the document or the date of publication. Pinning a filter means that the filter will ‘follow’ the user and will automatically be used for any subsequent query until the filter is unpinned or the browser session ends (permanent filter).

Both the pinning and unpinning of the filter takes place by clicking the pin icon, available on the left side of the filter. Depending on the current state, the icon will be in the horizontal (unpinned filter) or vertical (pinned filter) position. The removal of the filter from the results does not mean its automatic unpinning but only its removal from the results currently presented.


Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego, Program Operacyjny Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój 2014-2020 "Uczelnia dostępna dla wszystkich", numer POWR 03.0500-00-A050/20

O projekcie

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