Logging in to the User account

Login method

Every user registered in the library can log in to their account in the OPAC catalogue. In order to log in, select ‘Account’ in the menu and fill in the login form by providing:

the login OR e-mail address
the user’s individual password.
If the user does not have a login or an e-mail address associated with the account, they should enter the full library card number.

Logging in using an e-mail address

Logging in using an e-mail address is possible if it is the user’s personal e-mail address, not only the user’s additional notification address. This is so because the login ID must clearly indicate only one user account. This requirement is not met by notification addresses which may be the same for several accounts (e.g. accounts of children, spouses, etc.).

What is LOGIN

The login is an individual user name, unique and easy to remember, which the user may invent by themselves and give the librarian while enrolling (or during self-enrollment through OPAC). For a login, users often choose a nickname, first name plus a sign or number etc.

The librarian only gives the first login. If the reader wants to change the login, they must do it on their own through editing the profile data, after logging in to the account.

The login is mostly required if the user does not have or does not want to give their personal e-mail address.

Full library card number

This information only applies to libraries which give their users individual library cards (usually as plastic cards). If you cannot log in using your e-mail address or login, use the tips in this paragraph.

Locate a printed string of digits on your library card. There should be 10 digits. If it is so – this is your full library card number.

I don’t remember the password!

The user with an e-mail address should click ‘Forgot your password?’ under the login form. It will help generate a new one-time login password which will be sent in an e-mail. In order to be protected against spam or Internet boots, the operation will require to additionally give a control value, in accordance with the data from the library. The value could be the full name, or the library card number, or the login.

The new login password may be generated by the librarian, but the user (or their legal guardian) must be present in the library. This is due to the lack of possibility to verify the user’s identity if the request is made e.g. on the phone. In the library, the librarian can assign an e-mail address (a new password is sent to this address) or a login (if the user does not have it yet) to the account and print the information on the account access along with the one-time login password.


Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego, Program Operacyjny Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój 2014-2020 "Uczelnia dostępna dla wszystkich", numer POWR 03.0500-00-A050/20

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